Retirement planning seminar

  • 11 Nov 2022 - 12 Nov 2022
  • 8:30am
  • Charleville Park Hotel

The INTO advises that registration is now open for our October and November Retirement Planning Seminars. These seminars have proved hugely popular for those considering retirement.


Places will be allocated on a first-come-first-served basis.

INTO Retirement Planning Seminars are delivered by a team of experts and are specifically tailored for primary teachers contemplating retirement.

Members considering retirement are advised to attend a seminar at least a year prior to their proposed retirement date.

Topics for seminars include:

  • INTO Guide to Pensions
  • Introduction to the Retired Teachers’ Association
  • Income Tax
  • Wills & Inheritance
  • Preparing Psychologically for Retirement
  • Enjoying a healthy lifestyle
  • AVCs and making the most of your investments


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