Menopause in the Workplace

Northern Office Menopause Webinar: 31 March 2021

On 31 March 2021 INTO held a very successful Menopause Webinar for members.

The webinar was aimed at all members – those experiencing the menopause themselves, men and women working and managing anyone experiencing the menopause, men and women who have friends, family or colleagues who are experiencing the menopause and those who have it all in front of them.

The focus of the webinar was to begin the process of raising awareness of menopause in the workplace – to find out what the menopause is, how it affects women and those they live, work and socialise with, and how we can address any related issues in the workplace.

The webinar took place over Zoom with presentations from:

These presentations are available here for members to view at your leisure by clicking on the links above.

The INTO strongly believes that this is not just a female issue but a workplace issue which needs to be addressed by all and will continue to work with the other teacher unions and the Employing Authorities to establish a menopause policy for teachers. Promoting Equality in Employment for Women Affected by Menopause- Guidance for Employers, Trade Union Representatives and Employees.

Head Office Menopause Webinar: 21 September 2021

Further to INTO Northern Office’s hugely successful webinar ‘Menopause in the Workplace’ held on 31st March 2021, INTO Learning in Head Office offered a follow-up webinar entitled ‘Menopause, HRT & Women’s Future Health’ on Tuesday 21st September 2021. The webinar was presented by Dr Rebecca Lewis of Newson Health Menopause/Wellbeing Clinic.

All women will go through the menopause at some stage with some being more affected than others. We all need to be aware of the symptoms of the menopause for colleagues/friends/family/ourselves who may be affected. These webinars detail the symptoms and issues arising from them and what can be done to alleviate the symptoms, both personally and professionally. You owe to yourself and others to watch these webinars – it may change your life – or someone else’s!

Recording of Webinar:

The slides of the presentation (pdf) are also available to download.

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