14th January 2019
Teachers registered with the Teaching Council with conditions (due to expire on the 1st February, 2019) and who have been contacted by the Council should immediately either:
1. Submit the relevant form showing that they have met the condition(s) in order for his/her registration to be updated or
2. Apply for an extension to the period of conditional registration and supply the Council with supporting documentation, etc.
Any requests for an extension will be considered by the Teaching Council.
The Teaching Council intends to notify teachers in February 2019 of their removal from the register in March 2019 should the relevant form showing that condition(s) have been addressed not be submitted or that an extension to the period of their conditional registration has been applied for and/or granted.
Any period of non-registration will have consequences for the payment of salary.
It is important to note that where a teacher lapses from the Register and subsequently wishes to be re-registered, a full application form for registration in addition to a vetting application, qualification transcripts, overseas police clearance, etc. is required.