Membership of INTO is deducted fortnightly from salary. Initially on joining, a new member will receive six months free membership. After such time a subscription of 0.756% of salary and academic allowances (capped at the amount equivalent to point 11 of the salary scale for teachers appointed on or after 1 January 2011) will be deducted from salary on a fortnightly basis. With effect from 20 June 2024 the minimum subscription rate paid by an INTO member is €12.44 per fortnight and the maximum rate is €17.06 .
Have your voice heard
INTO from ground up organises on democratic principles. Annual Congress is the governing body, INTO ballots members on major decisions, holds elections to key roles, and runs a range of consultative events; e.g. Youth Conference, Principals’/Deputy Principals’ Conference, and Equality Conference.
Pay and Conditions
INTO campaigns for professional salaries and conditions of service. Over challenging years since 2008, INTO won greater security for fixed-term teachers, fought off attempts to raise class sizes generally, and negotiated a start of pay equalisation and restoration.
Better Together
Joining INTO means you are part of Ireland’s largest and longest-established teachers’ union, representing over 50,000 teachers across the island.
Advice, Support and Legal Backing
Handling thousands of queries and requests for support, we deal with the Department, Teaching Council and Management, providing legal advice/support as necessary. INTO has a strong reputation for representing members, and secured agreements about handling complaints, combating bullying and promoting positive workplaces, plus for NQTs an easing of probation conditions.
Supporting you as a Professional
INTO supports members through CPD programmes, “Teaching Matters” in InTouch, the Irish Teachers’ Journal, annual Education Conference and provision of study bursaries. And INTO leads on education issues through representatives on bodies like the Curriculum Council (NCCA) and the Teaching Council. INTO has in the past year made detailed submissions on issues such as Supporting Pupils with Special Educational Needs, A Digital Strategy for Schools, and Consultation on Education Disadvantage (all on website).
Campaigning on Issues that Matter to You
Member campaigns such as “Room to Bloom” and “Stand up for Primary Education” have secured thousands of additional teaching jobs despite tight budget conditions.
INTO Networks
Support networks for LGBT+ teachers are provided and the INTO has a Global Solidarity Network for teachers interested in global education/union issues.
What We Do
We provide protection, benefits and support for teachers. The INTO represent over 43,000 teachers at primary level in the Republic of Ireland and over 7,000 teachers at primary and post-primary level in Northern Ireland.