19th June 2020
The DES has issued the latest panel update. There are 31 teachers awaiting redeployment on the main panel. The update provides for the following arrangements, which are made due to the exceptional circumstances this year, and the imminent end of the school year.
1. In dioceses/areas where the main panel has cleared, any remaining permanent posts may be filled from the Supplementary panel and all fixed term vacancies can be advertised. The supplementary panel will be released to panel operators in these dioceses/areas today. Schools are reminded that fixed term vacancies are not filled from the supplementary panel.
2. In dioceses/areas where the main panel has not cleared, schools may advertise their fixed-term vacancies only, subject to the following line being included in the advertisement “The filling of this post is subject to the post not being required for the main panel redeployment process”. This is to cover the possibility that a fixed-term post may still be required for a teacher on the main panel or one who may be placed on the main panel at a later stage (as per Section 6.3.1 of the FAQ – redeployment guidelines). The potential for this to arise is low and if it does the DES/panel operator will contact the relevant school(s) directly. Teachers remaining on the main panel are not required to apply for fixed term posts advertised.
The Supplementary Panel for these areas will issue when the main panel is cleared.
3. Please note that in line with the terms outlined in 6.3.6 in the FAQ redeployment guidelines, the DES reserves the right to redeploy a teacher from the main panel into a permanent post should that teacher have been redeployed into a fixed-term post (it having been the only option at that specific time).