
Two Fixed-Term Positions as Paid Interns – School year 2019/2020


The INTO invites applications for two positions as paid interns for the school year 2019/2020.

Important notice for teachers registered with Teaching Council with conditions


Any requests for an extension will be considered by the Teaching Council.

INTO Submission on DES Strategy Stresses Immediate and Longer-Term Priorities


The INTO submission sets out a range of background factors and INTO priorities for primary education in the period ahead.

DES Issues Circular 0001/2019 re Special Leave for Members of Voluntary Search and Rescue Organisations


The DES has issued Circular 0001/2019 regarding Special Leave for Teachers who are members of Voluntary Search and Rescue Organisations.

Changes Reflected in 2019 Payslips – Importance of Checking Payslips with PAYE Modernisation in Place


The New Year brings with it a number of pay changes which will be fully visible in payslips later this month.

Transition Commenced


INTO’s General Secretary and General Secretary Designate have commenced working together to ensure a smooth general secretary transition.

INTO AVC Plan – Annual Trustee Report


The Trustees of the INTO AVC Scheme, Irish Life Trustee Services Ltd., signed off on the most recent annual report on 20 December 2018.

Registration is Now Open for the 2019 INTO Principals’ Seminars – January – May 2019


The INTO is now offering places to Principals to attend the remainder of the school year 2018/2019

Digital Media and Communications Intern


This is an excellent opportunity to join an exciting, innovative and dynamic trade union, on a fixed term basis.