Free Mortgage and Tax Advisory Seminar for INTO Members and their Families
Topic: All Things Property RelatedWith the success of previous seminars held, INTO are delighted to confirm we are running further FREE joint seminars for IN...
INTO – MIC Structured PhD Scholarship at Mary Immaculate College
In 2018, the Irish National Teachers’ Organisation (INTO) celebrates 150 years since its foundation. As part of the commemoration, Mary Immaculate College ...
INTO 150 Charity Cycle: Please Donate to Focus Ireland
As part of the 150 year anniversary of the Irish National Teachers' Organisation, 40 INTO members will each ride 150 km in West Cork for Focus Ireland on Apr...
Places Still Remain for the Donegal Principals’ Seminar
Places still remain for the 2017/2018 Principals’ Seminar in Co. Donegal and registration is open for booking.Click on the link below to register:1. Wednes...
A Thorough Examination of the INTO – Book Review in the Irish Examiner
'Kindling the Flame' was reviewed by Niall Murray in the Irish Examiner on 7 April 2018.Kindling the Flame: 150 Years of the Irish National Teachers’ Organ...

INTO Annual Members’ Draw – Tickets Arriving in Schools This Week
Let’s Make a Special Effort to Support the Children’s Medical Research Foundation in INTO’s 150th Year!Additional “INTO 150” Prizes for Staff Repre...
Draft Primary Language Curriculum – Stages 3 and 4 (third to sixth classes)
Consultation – Have Your SayBackgroundThe NCCA has published a draft primary language curriculum, stages 3 and 4, for consultation.Click here to read the D...
Last 4 Places Left for INTO 150 Charity Cycle – Sign Up before 18 April
INTO 150 Charity Cycle for Focus IrelandAs part of the INTO 150 celebrations, it is planned to have INTO members cycle 150km for charity. The cycle will take...
Joint Teacher Union Session for Safety Representatives – Health and Safety Legislation Briefings
The teacher unions (ASTI, INTO, TUI) are co-operating on a pilot project to increase awareness of health and safety legislation, including the role of Safety...