INTO welcomes publication of PME fee refund scheme circular
The INTO welcomes the release of the long-awaited circular 0069/2024, detailing the operation of the PME Fee Refund Scheme announced by Minister Foley on Budget Day last October.

Places still available for Retirement Planning Seminar next week
There is limited availability for our seminar on Friday 27 to Saturday 28 September 2024 in the Crowne Plaza Hotel, Santry. INTO Retirement Planning Seminars are delivered by a team of experts, with topics specifically tailored for primary teachers.

Register now for Single Public Service Pension scheme seminar
Teachers who began work since 1 January 2013 are members of the Single Pension Scheme (SPS). INTO is hosting SPS information seminars for members at a number of locations throughout October and November.

Ireland’s underinvestment in education exposed by OECD
The latest OECD Education at a Glance report exposes the persistent issues of overcrowded classrooms and inadequate funding for primary education in Ireland, revealing that the country continues to fall behind its global peers.

Principals’ Seminars programme 2024/25 – registration now open
Registration is now open for our principals’ seminars, which will be held at various locations throughout the country during the 2024/25 school year.

INTO Bursary Deadline 20 September
The INTO Bursary Scheme 2024 is currently open. Up to six bursaries will be awarded with awards of €3,000 for Doctorate Level and €1,500 for Masters Level/Other.

Register now for our Autumn Retirement Planning Seminars
INTO Retirement Planning seminars and webinars are delivered by a team of experts and are specifically tailored for primary teachers who are contemplating retirement.

Exciting news: InTouch and Printout are merging!
We are thrilled to announce that, starting from September, InTouch and PrintOut will be amalgamated into a single, comprehensive magazine - InTouch.

Join our grassroots call to action: Make Primary and Special Education a Priority in Budget 2025
As the government approaches the end of its term and prepares its final Budget for 2025, the time to demand substantial investment in primary and special education is now.