250 AP2 posts retained
The Department of Education and Skills has issued Circular 0044/2019, which revises the recruitment and promotion procedures for teachers, promoted post holders and principal/deputy principal posts.

Register now to access member-only content and be in with a chance to win €250 voucher
All members will have to register using a bespoke link sent via email in order to view member-only content. On 2 September, the INTO sent an email to all mem...
Trialacha Gaeilge do Bhunscoileanna
Tá an Foras Taighde ar Oideachas (FTO) ag bunú painéil de ghairmithe oideachais chun comhairle a thabhairt do maidir le trialacha don Ghaeilge ag leibh...

New Circular – Irish Exemptions
The Department of Education and Skills (DES) has today issued a revised Circular on exemptions from Irish – Circular 0052/2019, replacing Circular 12/96.Th...

Primary teachers losing patience as exploratory talks on pay review plans linger
INTO’s Central Executive Committee (CEC) warned that the delay was undermining confidence in a negotiated resolution to remaining inequalities.

Salary Revisions from 1 September under PSSA
DES Circular 41/2019 details revised salaries, with effect from 1 September 2019, negotiated under the PSSA; this second last phase of the Agreement uplifts salaries by 1.75%.

Confined Category of Membership Re-Applicants Affected by IT System Issue
INTO head office is aware of a “Join Online” issue which is affecting a small number of teachers seeking to re-join INTO.

#MySchool Competition – what makes your school special?
This September the #MySchool competition will celebrate Irish schools by highlighting what makes them special, great and unique.
Queryline Team Currently Working Through a High Volume of Calls & Emails
The Queryline is currently experiencing a high volume of calls. Your patience is appreciated as we deal with queries in rotation.