
DCU/INTO study looks at the use of standardised tests in primary schools


An in-depth study on the use of standardised tests in Mathematics and English Reading in Irish primary schools has been carried out at Dublin City University...

Make sure you vote on Friday


INTO wishes all of our many members who are standing in local and European elections well in this final week of the campaign. It is always important for our ...

Primary Language Curriculum/Curaclam Teanga na Bunscoile


A hard copy of the curriculum for each teacher will be delivered to schools in September 2019

Education Budget 2020 – INTO Lobby Begins


Lobby Training for MembersINTO has started work towards lobbying on education issues for Budget 2020 (scheduled in October 2019).As in previous years, INTO w...

NEW Face-to-Face Global Citizenship School Summer Course


Brand new face-to-face, genuinely interactive & participative 3-day EPV credited Summer Course takes place in Club na Múinteoirí, 36 Parnell Square West, D...

Death of Ted Motherway, Long Serving Member of INTO Education Committee


INTO offers its deepest sympathy to Ted’s family in their loss.

Advertisement for Two Permanent Officials


The closing date for applications is 12 noon, Friday 24 May 2019.

Primary Staffing Appeals Board


Primary Staffing Appeals Board to deal with appeals for the 2019/20 school year will be held in June. The closing date for submission of appeals is Friday, 2...

Education Budget 2020 – INTO Lobby Begins


INTO has started work towards lobbying on education issues for Budget 2020