Frequently asked questions
What is special leave with pay?
Circular 0038/2022 was updated by the publication of information note TC/IN 0016/2024 (PDF) on 5 November 2024.
Prior to the publication of information note TC/IN 0016/2024, Special Leave with Pay was also available when a teacher was beginning to develop symptoms of Covid-19, and was arranging their test. Special Leave with Pay will now only be available following a positive Covid-19 test.
For how long can I take special leave with pay?
Is special leave with pay part of my sick leave?
I have symptoms of Covid-19. What do I need to do in relation to work?
You should carry out a Covid-19 test at your earliest opportunity. If you test positive for Covid-19, you will have access to up to five consecutive days of Special Leave with Pay.
I’ve tested positive for Covid-19. What leave is available, and what do I need to do in relation to work?
You will submit the form at Appendix A of information note TC/IN 0016/2024 (PDF) to your employer, and per part 4.2: “A screenshot of the positive antigen test result will be accepted as proof.”
I had Covid-19 symptoms but have tested negative. What leave is available, and what do I need to do in relation to work?
A period of self-certified sick leave will not generally have substitute cover, with some limited exceptions.
A medical certificate must be provided for any absence on sick leave in excess of three consecutive days, and if you pay Class A PRSI you may need to claim Illness Benefit. The obligations of teachers regarding illness benefit are set out in this DE information note (PDF).
Since 1 January 2024, statutory sick pay has increased from three days to five days per year, during which time statutory sick pay should be paid. So, for the first five days of your sick leave in 2024, you will not need to claim Illness Benefit. If your first absence on sick leave in 2024 is for a period of longer than five days, you will need to claim Illness Benefit from the sixth day of leave. After you have used five days of paid sick leave in the 2024 calendar year, the usual three day waiting period to claim Illness Benefit will apply.
There is further detail about the sick leave scheme for teachers in circular 0013/2024 (PDF) and on the INTO website here.
I had Covid-19 symptoms and tested negative on my initial antigen test. I remained symptomatic so continued to self-isolate, and subsequently tested positive for Covid-19. How will this absence be managed by my employer?
You should submit the form at Appendix A of information note TC/IN 0016/2024 (PDF) to your employer, with a photograph of your positive antigen test.
Following the required period of self-isolation with Covid-19, I’m still unfit to work. What leave is available now, and what do I need to do in relation to work?
A period of self-certified sick leave will not generally have substitute cover, with some limited exceptions.
A medical certificate must be provided for any absence on sick leave in excess of three consecutive days, and if you pay Class A PRSI you may need to claim Illness Benefit. The obligations of teachers regarding illness benefit are set out in this DE information note (PDF).
Since 1 January 2024, statutory sick pay has increased from three days to five days per year, during which time statutory sick pay should be paid. So, for the first five days of your sick leave in 2024, you will not need to claim Illness Benefit. If your first absence on sick leave in 2024 is for a period of longer than five days, you will need to claim Illness Benefit from the sixth day of leave. After you have used five days of paid sick leave in the 2024 calendar year, the usual three day waiting period to claim Illness Benefit will apply.
There is further detail about the sick leave scheme for teachers in circular 0013/2024 (PDF) and on the INTO website here.
I was previously absent for a period of special leave with pay following a Covid-19 infection, but I am now symptomatic or have tested positive again. What leave is available to me for this new period of self-isolation?
If you are required to self-isolate again for a subsequent Covid-19 infection, you can avail of further periods of special leave with pay, subject to the conditions of circular 0038/2022 (PDF) and information note TC/IN 0016/2024 (PDF).
I have a vaccination or booster appointment scheduled during my school day. Is special leave with pay available for this?
Sick leave can be used for the purpose of obtaining “medical related services” provided such appointments could not have been arranged outside of regular working hours.
You should provide evidence of your appointment to your employer, and the absence can be recorded as certified sick leave on the OLCS.
I developed side-effects from my Covid-19 vaccine or booster and am unfit to work as a result. Is special leave with pay available for this?
If you are unfit to attend work, the ordinary terms of the sick leave scheme will apply.
My child has Covid-19 symptoms or a positive test result, and must self-isolate. What leave is available for me to provide care for them?
If you need to take leave to care for your child, you have access to five days of Family Illness Leave per school year.
Where can I find out more about special leave with pay?
Circular 38/2022 was further updated by the publication of information note TC/IN 0004/2023 (PDF), effective from 22 May 2023, which reduced the period of Special Leave with Pay from seven to five days, and by information note TC/IN 0016/2024 (PDF), on 4 November 2024, which withdrew the provision for Special Leave with Pay to be taken when a teacher was beginning to develop symptoms, but had not yet tested positive.