Putting Education at the Heart of Budget 2019
Primary school teachers from across the country gathered in Dublin recently to meet with more than 115 TDs and Senators from across the political divide. Mem...
Congress Survey Confirms Childcare is 'A Second Mortgage' For 2 in 3 Working Families
In the same week as Ireland’s first ever legislation on childcare costs is set to become law, a new survey from the Irish Congress of Trade Unions confirms...
See Beyond Borders and INTO Working Together to Improve Education in Cambodia
See Beyond Borders is providing a professional development and a mentor teacher training programme in Cambodia. This programme has three key phases – Core,...
Standard Application Form for Teachers has been Revised
CPSMA and INTO have revised the Standard Application Form for Teachers, to reflect the revised Teaching Council registration categories, and to include “Dr...
INTO dons pride-inspired logo in show of solidarity ahead of Dublin Pride
Ahead of Dublin Pride, The Irish National Teachers’ Organisation (INTO) will temporarily rebrand in a show of support and solidarity with LGBT+ teachers, s...
Underfunded, Understaffed Primary Schools Need Budget Boost
INTO urges parliamentarians to value education ahead of Budget 2019Primary school teachers from across the country gathered in Dublin this week to meet with ...
Results of Congress Survey on Housing Costs
One in two young workers are struggling to cover their housing costs and are going without meals and other essentials to pay their rent according to a new su...
INTO Members’ Draw 2018 – Winners Announced
The Children’s Medical & Research Foundation Annual INTO Draw took place today (Friday 15 June) in INTO Head Office. INTO President Joe Killeen drew the wi...
INTO Lead Call for Full, Free, Universal Public Childcare Provision at ICTU Women’s Conference
Meeting in Enniskillen at the Irish Congress of Trade Unions Women’s Conference this week, INTO led the charge for full, free universal public childcare pr...