
Facebook Live – Child Protection Procedures


A Facebook Live discussion for all members will take place this Wednesday, the 21st February @3.15pm. Our Facebook discussion will assist teachers in their i...

INTO Seeks Applications for Two Paid Intern Positions in INTO Head Office


Want to Serve INTO Members Next School Year?Exciting Opportunity to Work in INTO Head OfficeTwo Fixed-Term Positions as Paid Interns – School year 2018/201...

DES Confirms that Schools May Combine Both CPD Half-Days into One Full- Day School Closure


The DES has published further updates on the revised Child Protection Procedures and related matters. In particular, the DES has responded to INTO’s reques...

Draft Primary Maths Curriculum – Junior Infants to Second Class


Consultation – Have Your SayBackgroundThe NCCA has published a draft primary mathematics curriculum, junior infants to second class, for consultation.Ways ...

INTO Global Citizenship School Workshops


Have you heard of the INTO Global Citizenship School? Are you interested in learning more about the Sustainable Development Goals? Do you live in Cork or Gal...

Temporary Re-Assignment Register 2018/2019


The Department of Education has today issued a new circular 12/2018 Scheme for Temporary Re-assignment for Registered Teachers (pdf). The new scheme replaces...

Retirement Planning Seminar in Dublin, 11/12 May


Due to popular demand, we are holding a further Retirement Planning Seminar in The Crowne Plaza Hotel, Santry, Dublin 9 on 11/12 May.This seminar is now full...

Update on CPD arrangements for the revised Child Protection Procedures


An update for schools on CPD support arrangements for the revised Child Protection Procedures for Primary and Post Primary schools has issued.Click here to d...

Teacher Supply


INTO will attend the Consultative Forum on Teacher Supply organised by the Teaching Council in Athlone today.In advance of the Forum meeting, the Teaching Co...