Education for Sustainable Development webinars
The INTO will host a series of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) webinars for teachers in spring 2023 to support the implementation of Ireland’s second National Strategy - ESD to 2030 in schools across the country.

Staff Representative spring training 2023
The INTO is offering training events for staff reps during the spring 2023 term. The INTO Learning team has contacted staff reps directly with details on how to register for the training event in their district.

Unions condemn attacks on Palestinian children’s rights
Representatives of six trade unions representing education workers in schools and universities in Britain and Ireland have issued a statement condemning the injustices and dangers faced by Palestinian school children.

Mortgage and Tax Advisory Seminar now fully booked
INTO members and their families and friends are invited to attend a free INTO mortgage and tax advisory seminar taking place on Thursday 23 February 2023 in the Mullingar Park Hotel from 7.00pm - 8.30pm.

Registration open for retirement planning seminars
INTO Retirement Planning events resume for 2023 with registration now open for a free, one-day webinar on 27 January and a two-day, in-person event on 24 and 25 February in Tullamore, Co Offaly.

Members support victims of the war in Ukraine
The INTO thanks all those who donated to our annual Christmas appeal, ‘An Hour for Ukraine’. Funds raised assists the Irish Red Cross and UNICEF Ireland's work in the war-torn country.

Applications open for INTO Northern Secretary position
Applications are invited for the post of INTO Northern Secretary, based in Belfast. The successful candidate will have the leadership skills to advance the objectives of the INTO in Northern Ireland.

Registration for INTO Principals’ Seminars open
Following the success of our series of one-day principals’ seminars, the INTO is offering further opportunities for principals to attend these events during the coming school year. Early booking is advised.

TUFP launches pilot project with Palestinian schools
A pilot school twinning project involving Irish and Palestinian primary schools has been launched by the Trade Union Friends of Palestine network, which includes the Irish National Teachers’ Organisation.