
New INTO President and Vice-President take office


Mary Magner assumes office as the new president of the INTO, with Joe McKeown assuming the position of vice-president…

Employment Detail Summary doc replaces P60


As part of PAYE modernisation, P60s have been abolished and replaced with an online system since 1 January 2020. The Employment Detail Summary replaces the P60 and is available to you through Revenue’s myAccount service...

Easter message from the General Secretary


I write to you during an unprecedented time with our schools closed as our nation responds to a global pandemic. I want to thank and congratulate you for the way you have supported your pupils since our schools closed...

Why INTO went without an Easter Congress once before


INTO Deputy General Secretary Noel Ward talks postponing Congress and the only other time this has happened ...

Schools to remain closed until further notice


The Minister for Education and Skills Joe McHugh TD has today announced that primary schools will remain closed until further notice...

Deadline for job share and career break applications 


INTO members are reminded that job share and career break applications for next year may be withdrawn until 14 April, under the terms of circular 54/2019...

INTO condemns lack of consultation on school continuity guidance


It is wholly unacceptable that this important document should have been published without any consultation with the union representing primary school teachers and principals, despite our repeated offers to aid the department...

New SNA allocation model deferred following calls from INTO  


Yesterday, the Minister for Education & Skills Joe McHugh TD announced that the planned new allocation model for Special Needs Assistants has been deferred for one year, commencing in September 2021...

Pupils at heart of creative and determined approach to remote learning – Maynooth study


Academics Jolanta Burke, Ph.D., CPsychol. & Majella Dempsey published the findings of an extensive survey exploring how schools are adapting to the life under COVID-19...