Art Competition 2023
The INTO Art Competition is as much about creating art works as it is about experiencing art. Through this competition INTO hopes to offer members another way to connect with each other and to a part of their creative lives that may get side-lined in a busy life.

Latest Offers from Membership Plus
Have you logged in to Membership Plus recently? You could be missing new offers in your area! There are now over 2,000 discounts to choose from, with significant savings adding up in a short space of time.

Vacancies for Officials at INTO Head Office
The Irish National Teachers’ Organisation is now recruiting for a Senior Official/Deputy Director of Communications (permanent) and an Acting Senior Official (12-month contract).

Deadline for submissions to Irish Teachers’ Journal
The INTO is inviting submissions for the Irish Teachers’ Journal 2023 by Friday, 21 April 2023. The Journal boosts the availability of Irish classroom-based research for the education community.

INTO Northern Office closes for Easter
INTO Northern Office will close for the Easter break at 4pm on Thursday, 6 April 2023, and reopen at 9am on Monday, 17 April 2023.

Teacher unions unite for a full-day strike
The Irish National Teachers’ Organisation (INTO) and four other teacher unions - NAHT, NASUWT, NEU and UTU have announced a full-day strike on Wednesday, 26 April 2023.

INTO Press Release: Cuts Target Most Vulnerable
Mark McTaggart, INTO Northern Secretary, today reacted angrily to the announcement from the Department of Education confirming to schools that funding for the Engage Programme and the Healthy Happy Minds Pilot will cease from 31st March 2023 giving only 24 hours’ notice to schools.

Joint Union Training: Adobe Creative Educator Level 1
INTO are running a further Joint Union Training course in association with Nicole O’Connor: Learning Me. This is the Adobe Creative Educator Level 1 course and will provide training on the use of the Adobe tools free on the C2k Network. This course is FREE and open to all INTO members. The course is being … Continued

Art Competition 2023
The INTO Art Competition is as much about creating art works as it is about experiencing art. Through this competition INTO hopes to offer members another way to connect with each other and to a part of their creative lives that may get side-lined in a busy life.