
DE Circular Published: Curriculum Delivery: Practical Work in Post-Primary Schools


DE Circular 2021/22 aims to provide advice and assistance to post-primary schools, as they deliver practical work within the curriculum during the 2021/22 academic year.

Correspondence from the CMO enclosing Updated Advice from the PHA


The Chief Medical Officer, Professor Sr Michael McBride has written to parents, pupils and the school community in relation to the revised arrangements for the identification of close contacts in schools.

members update

Bulletin 2: Member Update: Impact of COVID-19 on Terms of Conditions


INTO has, through member concerns, identified three main areas of where members’ terms & conditions of employment have been impacted upon by the COVID-19 p...

Updated: Education Restart Absence, Pay & Staffing Guidance Relating to Coronavirus


Read the newly updated Education Restart publication here.

INTO Press Release: Time to Change Things Now


"A worrying number of schools leaders and teachers are, after just two weeks of opening the doors to a new school year, already at breaking point. This is not the INTO crying wolf, rather it is a simple statement of fact”, says Gerry Murphy, INTO Northern Secretary.

Bulletin 1: Prioritise Safe Schools


INTO advises all members to resist the introduction of practices that relax mitigating identified risks. Read INTO Bulletin 1 for further details.

Calling All Student Teachers: FREE Membership of INTO


Sign up today for free student membership of INTO!

Irish National Teachers' Organisation

ATTENTION: School Representatives


Read on for hints and tips for recruiting new members into INTO and for details of this year's recruitment promotion.

Mid-Career Review Webinar


These workshops are aimed at members in the mid-point of their careers – if you are in your mid 40s – 50s, if you are feeling stuck in a rut, burnt out, looking for a change or thinking about retiring but too young to retire – book your place at the INTO Career Review Workshop where there will be presentations from various organisations on topics relevant to you.