

Phased Reopening of Schools


Read Bulletin 9 for the latest guidance from INTO

Mid-Career Financial Review Webinar


This webinar, in relation to planning your financial future is aimed at members aged 30+.

COVID-19 Advice: Updated DE/EA Risk Assessment Templates


The DE and EA have updated their Risk Assessment Templates and guidance on supporting staff returning to schools.

Members Encouraged to Respond to SEN Consultations


Members are reminded that the DE consultations on the Draft SEN Regulations and the Draft Code of Practice are due to close on Tuesday 2 March 2021.

Fully Funded Up-skilling Opportunities with the Open University


The OU are offering fully funded short courses, one or more of which may be of interest to INTO members.

Pay Offer from DE


On Wednesday 10 February 2021, Management Side informed the Northern Ireland Teachers’ Council that they were making an unconditional pay offer to teachers with regard to the years 2019/20 and 2020/21.

INTO Members Urged to Support Holiday Hunger Bill


INTO calls on members to participate in the important consultation process arising from Karen Mullan, MLA's private members bill on holiday hunger.

Save Big in 2021 with Membership Plus 


Check out the latest offers from Membership Plus

INTO Art Competition


Watch our short slideshow presentation to find out about this year's competition and to view our previous winners' work