Early Closure of OLCS for Payment of Substitutes Over the Christmas Period
Payroll is closing on:Friday December 7th for payment on December 27thAll substitute claims for the week 3rd – 7th December must be keyed and approved by F...
Supplementary Panel Meetings Well Attended
INTO have been holding a series of supplementary panel information meetings around the country. Last night meetings in Cork and Galway were very well attende...
Joint INTO IPPN CPSMA Meeting on Workload
As a follow up to the Primary Forum, INTO, IPPN and CPSMA met this morning (5 December) to discuss joint approaches to reducing workload for principal teache...
A Choral Christmas Courtesy of Cantairí Avondale
Cantairí Avondale will perform their seasonal concert A Choral Christmas at 1pm and 6pm on Sunday, 16 December in the Pepper Canister Church.The performance...
Job Share and Temporary Reassignment Registers 2019/20
Would you like to put your name on the INTO job share register or temporary reassignment register? INTO members can avail of the benefit of the free job shar...
Retirement Planning Seminars – Feb/March 2019
Retirement Planning Seminars for February and March are completely booked up. There is a waiting list in operation. We are in the process of organising a fur...
Debate Invitation: Examining the Teaching Council and the idea of Professional Regulation
Is a teacher-majority Council the best way to register and discipline teachers?Does the Teaching Council live up to INTO’s high expectations?Has self-regul...
Places Still Available for Free Mortgage and Tax Advisory Seminar for INTO Members and their Families
With the success of previous seminars held, INTO are delighted to confirm we are running a further FREE joint seminar for INTO members and their families.The...
INTO and IPPN Agree to Work Together to Deliver Leadership and Management Days for Teaching Principals
INTO met with the Irish Primary Principals' Network (IPPN) on Monday 19th November to discuss a number of issues of mutual interest and concern. INTO Preside...