Feargal Brougham: New Vice President of the INTO
The new vice president of the Irish National Teachers’ Organisation is Feargal Brougham, principal teacher in St Paul’s SNS, Ayrfield, Dublin 13.Feargal ...
Traumatisation of Palestinian school children reported at INTO Congress
Dorothy McGinley, chairperson of the INTO’s Northern Committee told delegates to the union’s annual conference about a recent visit she made to the West ...
Joe Killeen: New president of the INTO
The new president of the Irish National Teachers’ Organisation is Joe Killeen, principal teacher in Lough Cutra NS Gort, Co. Galway. He replaces John Boyle...
INTO takes pay inequality challenge to Europe
The INTO has challenged pay inequality on the grounds of age discrimination, in a long-running case led by two members. In March the Labour Court referred ke...
Primary teachers call for panels of supply teachers to address ongoing substitute crisis in schools
The shortage of qualified teachers to cover short-term absences is huge challenge for schools across and a threat to long term education standards if not add...
INTO Annual Congress finishes this afternoon
Today (Wednesday 4 April 2018) is the final day of the INTO Annual Congress in Killarney.Today the conference will discuss motions on teacher supply panels, ...
Primary teachers demand equal funding for schools
Primary teachers at the INTO’s annual Congress in Killarney today demanded equality of funding between primary and second level schools.Arthur Fallon from ...
Primary teachers call for slowing down of curriculum changes
At the INTO annual Congress in Killarney today, delegates called for a slowdown of curriculum changes.A new language curriculum for Irish and English is curr...
Last chance to end pay inequality for newer teachers
The INTO today demanded immediate and time-bound pay talks, starting this month and finishing next month, to end pay inequality.Speaking at the union's annua...