
DES Circular on Health and Safety Management


Circular 18/2018 reminds school management of responsibilities for safety and health, including fire safety, in primary schools.Download Circular 18/2018 (pd...

Joint Teacher Union Session for Safety Representatives – Health and Safety Legislation Briefings


The teacher unions (ASTI, INTO, TUI) are co-operating on a pilot project to increase awareness of health and safety legislation, including the role of Safety...

Pay inequality damaging education, say teacher union leaders – Joint Union Rally on Pay Equality


Protest demands publication of Report to Address InequalityA demonstration by the three teacher unions at the Dáil has called for publication of a report on...

Free Mortgage and Tax Advisory Seminar for INTO Members and their Families


Free Mortgage and Tax Advisory Seminar for INTO Members and their families Topic: All Things Property RelatedWith the success of some previous seminars held,...

Applications for SNA – deadline extended


The NCSE have confirmed that they will now accept applications for SNA allocations until close of business on Wednesday 7th March due to the adverse weather ...

Principals’ Seminars for 2017/2018


Registration for the remaining 2017/2018 Principals’ Seminars is open for booking.The following dates and venues are available for registration:Wednesday 1...

PDST Online Webinars


The PDST have launched two online webinars for DLPS, Deputy DLPs and All School Personnel on the new 2017 Child Protection Procedures.Click here to access

Córfhéile na Scoileanna


INTO president, John Boyle, will open this year’s Córfhéile na Scoileanna, Áth Cliath tomorrow (Tuesday), 6 March 2018 at 7.30pm.Córfhéile na Scoilean...

Report on Challenges Facing Island Schools


The Joint Committee on Education and Skills launched their ‘Report on Challenges Facing Island Schools’ today. INTO president, John Boyle, addressed the ...