Two paid intern positions for 2023/2024
The INTO invites applications for two positions as paid interns for the school year 2023/24 located at INTO Head Office, Dublin 1. Remote work may be available in line with INTO Head Office policy. Closing date: 5pm, Monday, 6 March, 2023.

Common sense prevails on Summer CPD for teachers
Following a robust intervention by the INTO and other summer course providers, the Department of Education has agreed to a number of adjustments to the plans for the 2023 summer course programme.

Vere Foster Lecture 2022: Now available online
The 2022 annual Vere Foster Lecture, entitled 'What would an all-island education system look like? What are the initial steps to it?', is now available to view online.

Senior Official vacancy – INTO Head Office
A vacancy has arisen in the Conditions of Employment and Leadership section of the INTO for a Senior Official based in INTO Head Office in Dublin.

March 31 deadline for Teacher Fee refunds
The closing date for the Teacher Fee Refund Scheme is March 31. Applications are only accepted for courses/part of courses completed from 1 September 2021 to 31 August 2022.

INTO survey exposes teacher burnout
The INTO has today published a startling and sobering report on teachers' and school leaders' workload showing the 'huge strain' they are under in primary and special schools.

INTO to meet DE over summer courses
The INTO will meet Department of Education officials next week to challenge ‘regressive’ changes to online CPD for teachers. We will keep members updated as the situation develops.

INTO Equality Conference kicks off in Athlone
The Irish National Teacher’s Organisation (INTO) will host an equality conference this weekend, kicking off today in the...

Booking open for Seachtain na Gaeilge webinars
A series of INTO webinars have been scheduled for members during Seachtain na Gaeilge. The webinars take place on 7, 8 and 14 March. Registration is now open (see table below). These webinars support teachers in L1 and L2 schools in implementing the Primary Language Curriculum (Gaeilge) in a fun and interactive way across all … Continued