
Events to Mark INTO 150 in 2018


Invitation to Branches/Districts to contribute to INTO's 150 celebrationsIn 1868 – 150 years ago this year – a number of pre-existing local Teacher A...

Catherine Mahon Lecture


As part of the INTO's 150 celebrations, a talk on Catherine Mahon - the first female president of INTO - will be held on Thursday 8th February at 8pm in Club...

Get Ready for Safer Internet Day


Safer Internet Day (SID) is an EU wide initiative to promote a safer internet for all users, especially young people. It is promoted in Ireland by the PDST T...

Future Redevelopment of the Primary School Curriculum


The NCCA has published a detailed report of the consultation process to date. As well as highlighting key findings from the consultation, this report outline...

DES Circular 0063/2017 – “Leadership and Management in Primary Schools”


Training for Independent Assessors, Chairpersons and Principals – February 2018Diocese of Kildare and LeighlinKildare and Leighlin Diocesan Education Offic...

Clamping Down on Career Breaks is Tackling a Problem That Doesn’t Exist


The INTO today (Friday 26 January 2018) described the suggestion that Boards of Management in schools clamp down on career break applications from teachers a...

Dáil Motion on Teacher Substitution Crisis Passed


The Dáil has passed a motion accepting that a crisis exists whereby the demand for substitute teachers vastly exceeds supply and that pay inequality has con...

Salary uplifts from 1 January 2018


Today’s payslip reflects full effect of salary uplifts to salary to date. The payslip of 11 January reflected only a partial uplift (8 of 14 days).Since 1 ...

Post-Graduate Certificate/Diploma for Teachers working with Students with Special Educational Needs


The programme will aim to develop teachers’ knowledge, understanding and skills in working with students with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and, thereby, ...