2018 Education Conference


The 2018 INTO Education Conference took place on Friday 16 and Saturday 17 November in the Hodson Bay Hotel, Athlone.

The focus of the conference was ‘The Teaching Profession – 150 years on’.

Click here to view the 2018 webcast


Final Agenda (pdf)
Education Conference 2018

Conference Programme including background paper (pdf)
The Teaching Profession – 150 Years on  

Main Presentations

Keynote: Harvesting the Pearls of 150 Years – Dr Kathleen Horgan, Mary Immaculate College (pdf)
Education Conference 2018

Let Us Continue to Make Progress – Dr Deirbhile Nic Craith (pdf)
Education Conference 2018

The Education Committee 2018-2021, Siobhan Lynskey (pdf)
Education Conference 2018

Workshop Presentations

The Case of Inclusion – Why Hard Cases Make Good Law, Emer Ryng (pdf)
Education Conference 2018

From Junk Art to Mudcakes, Jackie Curley (pdf)
Education Conference 2018

The Stages of Teacher Development, Veronica Behan (pdf)
Education Conference 2018

The Primary Language Curriculum: What’s the big idea? – Conall Ó Breacháin and Lisa Nic Dhoinnléibhe, PDST (pdf)
Education Conference 2018