
Assistant Northern Secretary Details Industrial Action Campaign


INTO Assistant Northern Secretary, Mark McTaggart informs members of the different phases in our Industrial Action Campaign.

Industrial Action: FAQs


Please review our Industrial Action FAQs for the latest information. These will be regularly updated as our action progresses.

Industrial Action: Phase 1 from 8am Monday 17 October 2022


Members can download a copy of the NITC Co-ordinated Phased Actions Short of Strike: Phase 1 Poster here.

INTO Chairperson’s Message to Members


INTO Northern Committee Chairperson encourages members to familiarise themselves with the action being taken from 8am on Monday 17 October 2022.

Northern Secretary Thanks Members for Their Vote


Watch a short video message from Northern Secretary, Gerry Murphy to all our members re: our upcoming industrial action campaign.

Press Release: INTO Members Overwhelming Vote for Industrial Action


Members in the North have voted overwhelmingly for industrial action short of strike and strike action following a ballot which was carried out over the last three-weeks of September. The outcome mirrors the results coming in from the other five recognised teachers’ unions who have also been balloting for industrial action in the same period. … Continued

INTO Ballot Result


The results of the ballot are in and on the back of a huge turn out for a postal ballot we are committed to embarking on a campaign of co-ordinated and planned industrial action in co-ordination with our fellow trade union colleagues in the UTU, NEU, NASUWT and NAHT [the other members of the NITC]. The turnout … Continued

School Reps Induction Training Course: Derry


Places are still available on the next of our School Rep Induction Training courses in Derry. We would encourage all new reps who have not already attended one of these sessions to join us. This is a one-day induction course for all newly appointed INTO School Representatives and will provide initial training on the role … Continued

BlendEd NI: Online Apple Teacher Training Course


This 7 week online training course is FREE and open to ALL INTO members. Register by 9am Monday 3 October to secure your place.