
INTO Welcomes All Newly Qualified Teachers


Join INTO today with NOTHING to pay until September 2023!

NITC Press Release: Teachers’ Pay Dispute


“The letter issued on behalf of the Management Side of the Teachers’ Negotiating Committee on September 27th, to all schools appears at odds with the Chairperson of Management Sides’ stated objective of arriving quickly at a mutually acceptable resolution of the teachers’ pay dispute”. Gerry Murphy, INTO Northern Secretary and Chairperson of both the Northern … Continued

School Reps Induction Training Course: Derry


Booking is now open for the next of our School Rep Induction Training courses in Derry. We would encourage all new reps who have not already attended one of these sessions to join us. This is a one-day induction course for all newly appointed INTO School Representatives and will provide initial training on the role … Continued

Joint Union Leadership Seminar


Dear All School Leaders On Wednesday 19 October, INTO (along with partner unions NEU and UTU) will host our autumn School Leaders Seminar at The Junction, 12 Beechvalley Way, Dungannon, BT70 1BS. The event will focus on the Education and Training Inspectorate. This seminar of leaders offers the opportunity to consider information from the ETI, … Continued

Irish National Teachers' Organisation

‘Recruit a Friend’ Promotion for All INTO Members


ATTENTION ALL MEMBERS: From 1 October 2022 invite a colleague(s) to join INTO and be entered into a draw to win a £25 One-4-All voucher. Please complete our online form for each new member recruited: by clicking the link: or by scanning the QR Code: One prize draw entry will be made per new … Continued

COVID-19 Latest Updates


We continue to update our COVID-19 Advice Page with the latest information for members. Please also refer to our Frequently Asked Questions sections (currently also being updated) for the latest advice as we transition to living with the virus.

INTO Training For All Members: Term 1


INTO, works with NEU and UTU in partnership to deliver training for all members, School Representatives and Health and Safety Representatives. The training programme below for term 1 of the 2022/23 school year outlines the courses available to all members, with specific training for School and Health & Safety Representatives. All courses are free for … Continued

Northern Office Closure


Northern Office will be closed on Monday 19 September 2022 for the Bank Holiday reopening at 9am on Tuesday morning.

Pre-Retirement Planning Webinars 2022-23


INTO and UTU, in conjunction with our partners in Platinum Financial Ltd, are hosting a series of five Pre-retirement Planning Seminars over the course of this school year. This year the majority of the seminars will continue to run online as Webinars hosted via Zoom with an additional face-to-face session scheduled for April 2023. If … Continued