Cornmarket Competition Winner!
Congratulations to Jacqueline Brady from Derry who won a £300 BuyAGift Experience Gift Card in the Cornmarket Insurance competition.Cornmarket are giving ...

More for Less this Christmas with Membership Plus
Save this season with Membership PlusGift more for less this Christmas with big Membership Plus savings!Argento 10% Discount CountrywideArgos 3% off Shopping...

Tune in to the 2019 Education Conference webcast
Take a front row seat at the 2019 Education Conference in Kilkenny.

Job Vacancies in INTO Head Office, Dublin
A number of job vacancies have arisen in INTO Head Office, Dublin. These are for the positions of:Director of operations and finance (assistant general secre...

School Reps Recruitment Promotion Winners
And the WINNER is…Congratulations to the winners of this year’s School Reps Recruitment promotion!1st prize of £200 to Aaron Doyle of Sacred Heart PS, D...

ICTU Sexual Harassment & Violence Survey
ICTU have launched an online survey to gather the experiences of trade union members who have experienced sexual harassment in work. Please help us get a g...

NIPSA angry at the decision to cut public sector pay for the tenth year in a row
INTO totally rejects the suggestion that services be cut to fund a pay award. Public services need extra funding, not cuts.

Exclusive Competition for INTO Members: Win a £300 Gift Voucher
This competition is now closed.

Training for INTO Members 2019-20
INTO are offering a number of free training courses for our reps and members including School Rep, Health & Safety Rep and Career Learning Rep training, Hand...