
More for Less this Christmas with Membership Plus


Save this season with Membership PlusGift more for less this Christmas with big Membership Plus savings!Argento 10% Discount CountrywideArgos 3% off Shopping...

Tune in to the 2019 Education Conference webcast


Take a front row seat at the 2019 Education Conference in Kilkenny.

Job Vacancies in INTO Head Office, Dublin


A number of job vacancies have arisen in INTO Head Office, Dublin. These are for the positions of:Director of operations and finance (assistant general secre...

School Reps Recruitment Promotion Winners


And the WINNER is…Congratulations to the winners of this year’s School Reps Recruitment promotion!1st prize of £200 to Aaron Doyle of Sacred Heart PS, D...

ICTU Sexual Harassment & Violence Survey


ICTU have launched an online survey to gather the experiences of trade union members who have experienced sexual harassment in work.  Please help us get a g...

NIPSA angry at the decision to cut public sector pay for the tenth year in a row


INTO totally rejects the suggestion that services be cut to fund a pay award. Public services need extra funding, not cuts.

Training for INTO Members 2019-20


INTO are offering a number of free training courses for our reps and members including School Rep, Health & Safety Rep and Career Learning Rep training, Hand...

Retirement Planning Seminars 2019-20


INTO and UTU in conjunction with our partners in Platinum Financial Ltd are hosting a series of eight Retirement Planning Seminars over the course of this sc...