Attention All Newly Qualified Teachers
Join INTO today to get your first year of membership for free!
INTO President thanks members for delivering a school year like no other
As we come to the end of a unique and often challenging school year, I would like to take a few moments to say thank you for your leadership and the support ...
Teachers’ Incremental Pay Progression 2021-22
DE have written to schools to advise that temporary cover has been approved to allow the payment of incremental progression increases to eligible teachers from September 2021.
Printout: June 2021
The latest edition of our Printout magazine is now available to view online.
TNC: Letter of Agreement Issued to Schools
Read the TNC letter of agreement to schools re: exceptional circumstances due to COVID-19
DE Education Restart Team: Coronavirus Guidance
Following a number of queries received by the Department the DE Restart and COVID Response Team have issued further Coronavirus guidance to all educational settings.
INTO General Secretary wishes members a happy pride
This Pride month, and always, the INTO is proud to represent the many teachers doing incredible work to ensure that every pupil and teacher is safe and included in their school community. Schools should and must be inclusive to all. As a union, we are, and will remain, an unapologetic advocate for equality.
PRSD & Pay Progression: Update for 2021
The Teachers' Negotiating Committee have written to schools to update on the arrangements for PRSD and Pay Progression for 2021 following the impact of COVID-19.
Different Families, Same Love 2021 competition winners revealed!
The INTO LGBT+ Teachers’ Group are delighted to confirm the winners of the Different Families, Same Love competition for 2021.