
Membership Plus Latest Offers


Spend smarter with Membership Plus - check out the latest offers for June.

DE Guidance on School Development Planning for 2021-22


The Department of Education has provided Guidance to Boards of Governors and Schools on School Development Planning for 2021/22.

Northern Conference 2021


Northern Conference was held virtually on Tuesday 25 May 2021. Our photo gallery is available to view here.

ETI Monitoring Visits


ETI intends to conduct a range of short formal monitoring visits to a number of schools and organisations across all education and training phases, most of w...

Enter Cornmarket’s Exclusive Competition for INTO Members


And you could be the lucky winner of a Fortnum & Mason luxury hamper!

Vacancies at the INTO


The INTO is currently recruiting for two senior roles within the union. Please find information on the open positions below. Senior Official/Deputy Director of Communications (Temporary – 1 Year) Section: Communications Location: INTO Head Office, Dublin Overview of the role INTO’s communications team ensures members and employees are kept up to date with union developments, … Continued

INTO increases death grant payments


The Benefit Funds Committee (BFC) oversees death grants for INTO members and their spouses.

GLeaM – Education Authority’s LGBT+ Friends Staff Network


The Education Authority LGBT+ Friends Staff Network, GLeaM, is in operation and inviting all staff within Education Authority schools to make contact and share their experiences.