2020 Youth Conference Webcast

The INTO Youth Conference webcast will be available here on Friday, 13 March and Saturday, 14 March 2020.


Friday, 13 March

4.30pm Public session – Opening of Conference

  • Feargal Brougham, INTO President
  • Jobs, pay and other current issues John Boyle, INTO General Secretary
  • Chair Mary Magner, INTO Vice President

6.00pm – Responses to discussion groups

David O’Sullivan, INTO Assistant General Secretary (Legal and Industrial Relations)

Anne Lyne, Solicitor and Partner, Hayes Solicitors

7.00pm – Selection of priority questions/topics


Saturday, 14 March

9.30am – Creating positive classrooms: The neurobiology of stress – Marie Byrne

11.30am – Trends in teaching and INTO roles

Deirdre O’Connor, Assistant General Secretary (Conditions of Employment)

Deirbhile Nic Craith, Assistant General Secretary (Education and Research)

11.50am – Questions to panel and responses

12.50pm – Closing remarks

1.00pm – Close of conference