- 24 Nov 2023 - 25 Nov 2023
- 9:30am - 12:40pm
- Limerick Strand Hotel
- Organised by INTO Head Office
Registration for the Limerick retirement planning seminar is now open. Click to REGISTER NOW
There is a €50 non-refundable charge which includes all teas/coffees throughout the two-day period, full lunch on Friday and a light lunch prior to departure on Saturday.
Our Seminars are designed to be informative, enjoyable and engaging. The programme includes topics under the following headings :
- INTO Guide to Pensions
- Introduction to the Retired Teachers’ Association
- Income Tax
- Wills & Inheritance
- Preparing Psychologically for Retirement
- Enjoying A Healthy Lifestyle
- AVCs and Making The Most of Your Investments
- Comhar Linn Credit Union
For more information on INTO’s retirement planning seminars, see here.