Assessment of Need (AON) FAQs
Is the INTO recommending that schools co-operate with the AON process?
This circular was issued on foot of a comprehensive court judgement which confirmed that the NCSE may nominate appropriate persons to assist in the AON process. Teachers were held to be appropriate persons in the judgement and the information required to fill in the NCSE report form is that which a teacher would have as a result of their professional knowledge or expertise from working with children and young people. The report form does not constitute an assessment.
Is there a circular on AON?
NCSE supports include a Guidance Notes for Schools, a sample form and an FAQ.
What is the background to AON?
If an assessment of education need is required, the HSE assessment officer will contact the NCSE for assistance. The NCSE has the responsibility to nominate an appropriate person to carry out an assessment of education needs on behalf of the HSE under the AON process, this is the school principal, deputy principal or SEN teacher dealing with the pupil.
How many forms are involved?
How long will the form take to fill out?
What supports are available to help the nominated person to fill out this form?
Report of Education Needs for the purpose of Assessment of Need (Disability Act 2005)
- A video explaining the form and the process
- A guidance note for schools
- A blank form for information
- A dedicated helpline 01 603 3456
- Email support at
- Online or in-person support from NCSE for schools who receive more than one form at a time
What if I don’t have an SSP or the pupil is new to the school?
As principal/deputy principal/SEN teacher am I legally vulnerable as a result of filling out this form?
Will the child’s parents object to the AON being submitted or the form’s contents?
Is there any in person support available to help me fill out the form?
Is the INTO in dialogue with the relevant stakeholders about the AON process?
Will extra time be allowed in the school week to fill out the form?
For schools in receipt of multiple AON referrals additional AON support hours can be applied for as per the process outlined in Circular 0025/24.