Circular 0034/2023
DEIS (Delivering Equality of Opportunity in Schools) Action Planning and Grant Allocation for all DEIS Schools
July 2023
March 2022
Minister for Education Foley announced changes to the DEIS scheme which sees more than 300 new schools added to the programme.
To access the list of new DEIS schools click here.
View the INTO reaction to the announcement
Download Circular 0019/2002 DEIS identification 2022: Appeals process for schools
Congress adopted a resolution in April 2021 calling for the convening of a series of regional meetings of DEIS schools to develop a cohesive and comprehensive campaign up to and including industrial action.
May 2015
DEIS Consultation: Submission on behalf of the INTO (PDF)
Review of DEIS
The Minister of Education and Skills, Jan O’Sullivan announced in her speech at INTO Congress in 2015 that a review of DEIS will take place over the next school year. A copy of her speech can be accessed here (PDF).
February 2012
Full details regarding the changes to supports under the DEIS scheme and Legacy posts can be found on the Social Inclusion page of the DES website. Following Budget 2012, a report was prepared for the Minister for Education and Skills entitled Report to the Minister for Education and Skills on The Impact in Terms of Posts of Budget Measures in relation to The Withdrawal from DEIS Band 1 and Band 2 Urban Primary Schools of Posts from Disadvantage Schemes pre-dating DEIS. The report is available on the link above.
Please refer to Appendix C (DEIS Band 1) and Appendix D (DEIS Band 2) for the provisional staffing arrangements for individual schools. The Social Inclusion Unit (DES) will be contacting all DEIS schools affected by the changes.
January 2012
In January 2012, two reports were published evaluating DEIS.
- An Evaluation of Planning Processes in DEIS Primary Schools (Inspectorate Evaluation Studies) (PDF)
- A Report on the First Phase of the Evaluation of DEIS (PDF) (Educational Research Centre)
In May 2005, the DES produced a report – DEIS (Delivering Equality of Opportunity in Schools) (PDF) an action plan for educational inclusion, a copy of this report is available on the DES website. This programme was first implemented in the 2005/2006 school year.
Details of the programmes and schemes available for social inclusion are available on the DES website in the Social Inclusion section. They currently are HSCL (Home School Community Liaison Scheme), School Completion Programme, Support Teachers Project, Giving Children an Even Break, Breaking the Cycle, Disadvantaged Area Scheme and Literacy and Numeracy Schemes.