The INTO is represented on, and collaborates with, a broad range of external bodies that work to progress EID. INTO officials and representatives use their engagement on these groups as an opportunity to advance the EID agenda and to influence system change. The following is a list of the organisations:
- Aontas
- Barnardos
- BelongTo
- Children’s Rights Alliance
- European Trade Union Committee for Education
- ICTU Disability Committee
- ICTU Women’s Committee
- ICTU Youth Committee
- INTO LGBT+ Teachers’ Group
- Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission
- Irish Network Against Racism
- Irish Traveller Movement
- Migrant Teacher Project
- National Council for Special Education
- National Council for Curriculum and Assessment
- National Disability Authority
- National Parents Council
- National Women’s Council
- St Vincent de Paul
- Tobar, Marion Institute of Education
- Turn To Teaching, Maynooth University