Since the 2013/2014 school year, participation in the supervision scheme has been compulsory for all teachers. Each teacher is required to provide 43 hours of supervision per annum. This includes both lunchtime supervision and to cover uncertified sick leave days, as well as the first day of force majeure leave and illness in family leave. Details of the supervision scheme are outlined in Circular 33/2013 (PDF).
Can I opt out of the Supervision Scheme?
No, since the beginning of the 2013/14 school year, participation in the Supervision scheme has been compulsory for all teachers.
How many hours of supervision am I required to complete?
Each teacher is required to do 43 hours of supervision per school year. This includes both lunchtime supervision and to cover uncertified sick leave days, as well as the first day of force majeure leave and illness in family leave.
Do I receive an allowance for the supervision hours I complete?
The supervision allowance was discontinued in the 2013/2014 school year, when it became compulsory for all teachers to complete supervision hours. As each teacher is required to undertake supervision, an additional payment for supervision duties is now included in the incremental pay scale for teachers.
How many teachers are needed for yard time supervision? Is there a ratio of teachers to pupils that is required?
It is a matter for the Board of Management to decide what an adequate level of supervision is during yard time. The layout of the outdoor areas, the profile of the pupils and the needs of the pupils all need to be considered when assessing what an appropriate level of supervision is.
Page updated 29 August 2024