Wording of current INTO Directives:
1. Duties of Teachers of Infants 12th of September 1985
“Annual Congress 1985, adopted a resolution on duties of teachers of infants.
Directive to Members: Duties of Teachers of Infants
Annual Congress 1985, adopted the following resolution:
Congress demands:
- that teachers of infant classes whose teaching day ends before normal school closing time should not be compelled to perform any teaching or supervisory duties for the remainder of the school day, other than preparation for their own infant classes, and that teachers of multiple classes should likewise be free from supervisory duties for infants who remain on the premises after the close of the infants school day.
- that a clear directive concerning this be issued by the CEC to all members.
The CEC has decided that, from October 1st 1985, teachers of infant classes whose teaching day ends before normal school closing time shall not be compelled to perform any teaching duties for the remainder of the school day.
The CEC has declared formally that the allocation of teaching duties to teachers of infants, contrary to the wishes of the teachers concerned, would constitute conduct which would be injurious to the professional interests of the Organisation under the provisions of Rule 101 of the INTO Rules and Constitution. Members are directed to comply with this decision”.
2. Unqualified Personnel 1st of September 2011
In accordance with the resolution adopted at Annual Congress 2011, as and from 1 September 2011 all INTO members are directed not to work with unqualified personnel employed in any teaching capacity in a primary school.
The CEC has also decided to direct principals not to certify any unregistered person as competent and capable of acting in a teaching capacity.
3. JobBridge Scheme 12th of December 2011
The CEC directs members not to participate in the JobBridge National Internship Scheme.
Following extensive consultation with members and discussions at an INTO Officers’ Conference on 12 November the CEC decided, at its meeting on 17 November, not to support the JobBridge National Internship Scheme for graduates.
This scheme is viewed as being exploitative of newly qualified teachers. The Directive comprehends all INTO members and becomes operative on 12 December 2011.
In accordance with INTO Rule 104 (Appendix 1) failure to comply with a Directive of the CEC may result in disciplinary procedures being initiated.
The General Secretary has brought the terms of this Directive to the attention of the Management Bodies and the Department of Education and Skills.