Language Reports and Resources

NE-EAL 2023/2024: Application for Language Support for New Entrant Pupils for the 2023/24 school year

Supporting Children’s Mother Tongue in our Schools (PDF)
Author: Julie O’Connell
InTouch Issue: December 2012

Speaking and Listening – the EAL context (PDF)
Authors: PPDS
InTouch Issue: November 2009

NCCA EAL Guidelines for Teachers (PDF)
English as an Additional Language in Irish Primary Schools – Guidelines for Teachers (June 2006)


Circular 0006/2023
Staffing Arrangements in Primary Schools for 2023/2024 School Year
January 2023

Circular 0009/2015 (PDF)
Payment of Travel Expenses to GAM/EAL (Learning / Language Support) and Resource Teachers in Recognised Primary Schools.
February 2015

Circular 0015/2009 (Word)
Meeting the needs of pupils learning English as an Additional Language (EAL)
March 2009

Circular 0053/2007 (Word)
Meeting the needs of pupils for whom English is a second language
May 2007

Assessment Information

NCCA – Primary Schools Assessment Kit (PDF)

PDST resources for EAL

Language Support Websites

English Language Support Teachers’ Association

Immigrant Council of Ireland – Information about the Immigrant Council of Ireland – Independent Law Centre (ICI)

Reception and Integration Agency – Part of the Department of Justice, Equality and Law Reform

English Language Support Programme – This website has been developed by the English Language Support Programme, Trinity College, Dublin, and is designed for use in post-primary schools but may be a helpful resource for primary teachers.

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Submit your query by email to INTO. Please include your payroll number.