Teachers Taking Up Their First Appointment
Teachers taking up appointment in a temporary or permanent capacity will be required to fill out a Teacher Appointment Form in conjunction with their Principal. The DE issue a new Teacher Appointment Form every academic year. Please refer to section on Appointment Procedures.
Teachers taking up appointment as substitutes will be required to supply payment details to their school so that they can be paid through the OLCS.
Once the DES is notified arrangements will be made to place teachers on the appropriate point of the incremental scale. Details of current salary scales and allowances are available here.
All substitute, temporary and permanent teachers are eligible for full INTO membership. Click here for details of INTO membership
Each school has an elected Staff Representative who will be happy to answer any queries you have regarding INTO membership.
To assist teachers transitioning from college to the classroom, the INTO has prepared a publication called From College to Classroom.
Page updated 25 July 2024