Working Together

The original Working Together procedures have been in place since 2000, and both the Irish National Teachers’ Organisation (INTO) and Voluntary Primary Management Bodies at primary level agreed that it was timely to review the document to bring it up-to-date and in line with legislative developments in this area.

As a result of this review INTO and the Primary Management Bodies agreed updates and a final version of the document “Working Together 2024-Ag Obair le Chéile” has now been published. The parties to this agreement are the Catholic Primary Schools Management Association (CPSMA), the General Synod Board of Education of the Church of Ireland, Educate Together, An Fóras Pátrúnachta, Muslim Primary Education Board, the National Association of Boards of Management in Special Education (NAMBSE) and INTO.

It is intended that the revised processes contained in Working Together 2024 – Ag Obair Le Chéile will ensure a standard approach across primary schools in the relation to the prevention of workplace disputes, as well as providing a process by which any such disputes are addressed. There is also a key focus on best practice for positive staff relations in the new document.

The INTO offers objective and practical advice, clarity and support. It is recommended you contact INTO for advice in advance of initiating any of the procedures set out in Working Together 2024 – Ag Obair le Chéile.

The three procedures follow a staged approach, and each stage should be engaged with before moving onto the next. Each member is encouraged to resolve difficulties at the earliest possible opportunity with their colleagues and or school principal/chairperson as appropriate.

  1. Staff Relations Procedure: This procedure is recommended to identify and resolve 1:1 differences between colleagues where informal discussions have not eased tensions in the working relationship. It focuses on the interpersonal aspect of everyday engagement with each other. It is designed to resolve conflict in round table discussion. This procedure may progress to a process of mediation.
  2. Adult Bullying/Harassment Procedure: This procedure is recommended to identify and address patterns of bullying behaviour or separately harassment from colleague/s which impact an individual in their workplace. Mediation can also be accessed through this procedure at the relevant stage.
  3. Grievance Procedure: This procedure is recommended to resolve workplace difficulties which arise in respect of breaches of school rules, policies, practices, procedures or omissions of management which affect a person’s employment conditions. It is a step-by-step incremental process to initially raise your concerns with your employer through meaningful engagement and is an upwards only procedure.

The updated document Working Together 2024 – Ag Obair le Chéile is available for download in English and Irish below.



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Submit your query by email to INTO. Please include your payroll number.