Capital Works In National Schools
Capital grants are paid towards the provision of new buildings and major renovations.
Major capital works in national schools are carried out in accordance with the Department of Education’s Planning and Building Guidelines. See guidance documents and information regarding design on the DE website here.
Enquiries and applications for capital grants should be addressed to the Planning and Building Unit, Department of Education, Portlaoise Road, Tullamore, Co Offaly.
Tel: 057 93 24300
Fax: 057 93 25393
Planning Unit:
Building Section:
Temporary Accommodation
Primary school authorities are aware from October each year of the expected mainstream staffing allocation for the forthcoming year, if there is no change in the staffing schedule. School authorities should, therefore, assess their accommodation needs on that basis and make application for additional accommodation under this scheme if it is clear that there will be an immediate urgent deficit of accommodation.
For more information on this scheme log onto the School Planning/Building section of the DE website.
Prefab Replacement Initiative
In 2012 the DE announced a prefab replacement initiative to replace rented prefabs with permanent structures. Under the new capital programme (2016-2021) the DES has announced its intention to replace all purchased structures over the lifetime of the programme.
The DE does grant approval for rental accommodation if it is going to be needed for less than three years – grants to construct permanent structures are given.
Emergency Funding
Form EWG, available to download from the DE website, should be completed and returned to DE when applying for grants for emergency funding.
In March 2011, the DE issued Circular 18/2011 (PDF) – scheme of capital grants for emergency works.
Download Emergency Works Scheme application form (Word)
Please note that when applying for Emergency Works Funding, Emergency Works grants only issue where there is a possibility that the school is unable to operate if the issue is not resolved.
Furniture Grants
Furniture grants are available automatically for new school buildings and classrooms.