For comprehensive details of the parent’s leave scheme, refer to Circular 58/2024 (PDF).
Parents leave is a statutory entitlement to nine weeks of leave which must be taken within the first two years after birth, or within two years of the placement of a child in the case of adoption
Operation of parent’s leave
Parent’s leave can start on any day of the week, and may be taken as nine consecutive weeks, or in periods of not less than one week.
Parent’s leave is not transferable between parents.
The entitlement to parent’s leave is not increased in the case of multiple births. (For example, the father of twins will have an entitlement to nine weeks.)
Applying for parent’s leave
Teachers who wish to avail of parent’s leave must apply to their Board of Management with at least six weeks’ notice using the application form at Appendix A of Circular 0058/2024. A shorter notice period may be accepted at the discretion of the employer.
Postponement of parent’s leave
Parent’s leave is a statutory entitlement, and an eligible parent may not be refused their leave. However, an employer may postpone a period of parent’s leave for up to 12 weeks, if approving the requested dates would have a substantial adverse effect on the running of the school.
Reasons for a postponement of parent’s leave may include:
- Difficulty in obtaining a replacement teacher for the period of the absence
- Seasonal variations in work
- Any other relevant matters
Any postponement of parent’s leave should follow a consultation with the teacher and requires at least four weeks’ notice from the intended start date of the leave. A period of parent’s leave may not be postponed more than once.
The employer must provide written notice to the teacher not later than four weeks before the intended commencement date, summarising the grounds for postponement of parent’s leave. The employer must retain a copy of this notice.
If the relevent child turns two during the period of postponement by the employer, the parent will still be considered eligible for their leave and benefit.
Payment during parent’s leave
Parent’s Benefit of €274 per week should be claimed by teachers availing of parent’s leave, subject to DSP rules. The benefit can be claimed on the DSP website four weeks before parents leave is due to commence, or a form may be requested by emailing the DSP.
The Department of Education, at the direction of DPER, has indicated that teachers’ salaries will not be topped up to full salary while availing of this leave.
The INTO strongly objects to this departure from how statutory paid leave is usually addressed for our members, and with our colleagues in the other teacher unions will continue to pursue this matter with the Department of Education. (See here for more.)
Parents Leave Extension with effect from 1 August 2024
From 1 August 2024, the entitlement to Parent’s Leave is increasing to nine weeks for a relevant parent. The parent of a child born or adopted between 1 November 2019 and 31 July 2022 is not eligible for the additional two weeks Parent’s Leave (as their child will already be over the age of two). Where a teacher has already availed of their seven week entitlement up to 1 August 2024, they may apply to their employer for an additional two weeks from this date provided the eligibility criteria are met.
If having consulted the information on this page, you have further questions about Parent’s Leave, the INTO QueryLine operates 9am – 5pm, Monday to Friday, on 01 804 7700 or email
Page updated 17 July 2024