INTO Advice and Representation

INTO provides confidential advice, support and representation to school leaders in a courteous, reliable and professional manner. This support can be accessed through INTO Head Office and/or your CEC Representative.

Advice and support is provided over the phone, or face-to-face to school leaders who are dealing with problems or issues arising in their school, which might include complaints by parents, staff relations issues, or dealing with child protection matters. INTO Officials and CEC members arrange to meet with members where necessary.  INTO Officials also represent members at hearings in a variety of forums, including disciplinary hearings, CFA/TULSA, Teaching Council, the later stages of parental complaints, at the Workplace Relations Commission and in the Labour Court.

In some cases, legal advice may be sought on behalf of a member, and in certain cases, it may be necessary to lodge claims or initiate or defend legal action. In such cases, a Joint Committee of the CEC and Benefit Funds Committee must agree that the action be taken.

Where a matter concerns two or more members in a school e.g. a teacher and a principal teacher, INTO can advise, support and represent both members effectively by having different officials dealing with the parties, and maintaining strict confidentiality or “Chinese Walls” between those officials- i.e. they will not discuss the case or share information about it.

Page updated 26 July 2024

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Submit your query by email to INTO. Please include your payroll number.