To assist with preparing an admission policy INTO has compiled some resources.
All boards of management are required to draft a new admission policy in accordance with the requirements of the Act. Below are some FAQs regarding the content of the policy.
FAQs - Content of the policy
What are the criteria for oversubscription that a school can use?
Some schools may already have criteria which they use if they have more applicants than available places. They can insert these in the revised policy. While this may not be relevant for all schools, schools are advised that they identify criteria they would use in such a scenario.
Some sample criteria which schools use to prioritise applicants are:
- Siblings of children in the school
- Children from a particular Catchment Area/ parish area / proximity to the school
- Age
- Children from certain Feeder Schools
- Children of Current Staff
- Other e.g. children of neighbouring parishes
It is a matter for each individual school to decide the sequence by which the criteria will be applied.
The Board is unsure about what criteria to use. What should the Board do?
In the absence of any direction or prescribed criteria from the Patron, the Board should make their best judgement in terms of the criteria to include. The criteria in the current enrolment policy could be a starting point.
However, there needs to be consultation with staff of the school and parents of current students. The intention of the Act is to ensure fairness, equity and transparency in the admission process. The draft will be remitted back to the Patron for approval.
In the event of a tie for a place how should this determined?
Schools must include the arrangements in the admission policy in the event of a tie for a place. INTO advises a fair and transparent mechanism to determine the offer of a place. It could be simply drawing the name from a hat.
What must be included with regards of students to other years and during the school year?
The school must set out the arrangements in the policy for students seeking admission to other class groups and for students seeking admission during the school year. Schools may already have a position on this matter in their current enrolment policy.
Is the sharing of data with other schools a breach of GDPR
No. The sharing of such data is provided for in the Act.
How can the Board accommodate students who wish to opt out of religious instruction?
Boards may already have arrangements in place to accommodate pupils who wish to opt out of religious instruction. As schools vary in size, location, capacity etc. engagement with parents is advised to determine how best this can be accommodated.
Can a Board seek costs, charges, fees or contributions from parents/guardians in respect of an application for admission, the admission or continued enrolment in the school?
No. The seeking of costs, charges, fees or contributions from parents/guardians is prohibited if they are a condition of –
- an application for admission of a student to the school, or
- the admission or continued enrolment of a student in the school.
Can I contact the INTO if I have a further query about any of these matters?
Of course, members are most welcome to raise any further queries with INTO. Principals should contact the Queryline or email their queries to and a member of the LIRE team will be in contact as soon as possible.