The following checklist is designed as an aid to preparing an annual admissions notice.
Preparing an Annual Admissions Notice – Checklist
Under Section 63 of the Education (Admission to Schools) Act a school is required to prepare and publish an annual admission notice. This notice provides information and details about admission to schools. A school may start to publish its notice after 1 October in respect of the intake group and/or special class for the 2024/2025 school year. Schools should note that the notice must be published at least one week prior to the school commencing its annual admission process. For example if a school publishes its notice on 12 November 2023, it cannot commence its admission process until 19 November 2023 The notice must be published on a publicly available website i.e. the school’s website. The notice must provide the following information: In deciding the number of places available in the 2024/2025 school year a school may have to factor any places which were offered and accepted prior to 1 February 2020. Waiting lists will expire on 31 January 2025. The notice should also contain a statement that the offer may be withdrawn if the applicant does not accept the offer of admission within the timeframe set out in the annual admissions notice. In addition, the notice should also contain information about how to obtain a copy of the school’s admission policy and application form for admission. The timeframe for the process for the intake group and the special class does not have to be the same. However, the timeframes for each process should be clearly specified in the Annual Admissions Notice. There is a template Annual Admission Notice which may be utilised in drafting the notice. This is available under DES Resources on the School Admissions tab on the INTO website. Tá sampla fogra maidir le ligean isteach ar fáil as Gaeilge. Of course, members are most welcome to raise any further queries with INTO. Members should email their queries to and a member of the LIRE team will be in contact as soon as possible.Must a school publish an annual admissions notice?
When can schools start to publish their annual admissions notice?
Where must the annual admissions notice be published?
What information must the notice contain?
Is there anything that a school should consider in deciding the number of places available for the intake group for the 2021/2022 school year?
Is there anything else that a notice must contain?
Must the timeframe for the process be the same for both the intake group and the special class group?
Is there a template to assist in the drafting of the notice?
An bhfuil sampla an fogra maidir le ligean isteach ar fáil as Gaeilge?
Can I contact INTO if I have a further query about any of these matters?
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Page updated July 2023