Temporary Re-assignment Scheme for Primary Teachers

For comprehensive details of the temporary re-assignment scheme, refer to Chapter 9 of circular 54/2019, published 1 September 2019.


In order to be eligible to apply for the temporary re-assignment scheme, a teacher must have completed at least one full year of continuous service with their current employer by the time the temporary re-assignment starts.

Teachers on redeployment panels are not eligible to participate in this scheme

Basis for the temporary re-assignment scheme

This scheme exists to allow two teachers, with the approval of their employers, to apply for temporary re-assignment to each other’s school for the purpose of enhancing their professional experience.

The application form requires participating teachers to state the educational purpose of their re-assignment.

Reasons could include:

  • A teacher in an urban school moving to a rural setting;
  • A teacher in a junior school who wants to teach older children;
  • A teacher in a single sex school who wants to teach in a mixed sex setting;
  • A teacher in a mainstream class who wants to teach in a special school.

Duration of temporary re-assignment

The minimum length of a temporary re-assignment will be one school year, and the maximum is three school years.

A teacher may participate in the teacher re-assignment scheme for non-consecutive years in different schools and settings but will still be subject to a maximum of three years on re-assignment in total during their career.

All temporary re-assignments will we subject to annual application and approval by participating teachers and boards of management.

Application and Approval

Teachers who wish to apply for the temporary re-assignment scheme are responsible for identifying a colleague in another school, with whom to enter into this arrangement.

Teachers who wish to participate in the temporary re-assignment scheme should apply to their Boards of Management as early as possible, but no later than 1 February, using the form at Appendix A of the relevant chapter.

Boards of management should consider applications in the context of the potential benefits to their own school, and may choose to interview teachers who wish to participate in the scheme.

The employers should notify applicants in writing of their decision before 1 April, and their decision shall be final.

Employers will submit approved applications to the Department or ETB by 10 April.

Employment status during temporary re-assignment

The school in which the teacher is serving while participating in the re-assignment will be considered their employer for the duration of the arrangement, and the teacher should sign a Form of Agreement with this school.

However, participants in the scheme will not accrue any rights to a permanent position or CID in their “host” school, and service undertaken while on temporary re-assignment will not count toward Supplementary Panel rights.

The teacher remains a permanent employee of their own school and will return there when the temporary re-assignment comes to an end.

Participating teachers’ seniority in their permanent schools will not be affected by their temporary re-assignment.

Posts of Responsibility

A teacher who holds a leadership post in their own school will temporarily relinquish their post while participating in the temporary re-assignment scheme. An acting post-holder may be appointed for the duration of their participation in the scheme, subject to the terms of circular 44/2019.

A teacher on temporary re-assignment may not apply for posts that arise in their host school.

If a post arises in a teacher’s permanent school while they are participating in a temporary re-assignment, they are eligible to apply for it, but if they are successfully appointed, it will be filled on an acting basis until they return to their original school.


If you have questions about the temporary teacher re-assignment scheme, the INTO QueryLine operates 9am – 5pm, Monday to Friday, on (01) 804 7700.

Still have questions?

Submit your query by email to INTO. Please include your payroll number.