DES Resources

In January, 2019 the DES published its full suite of 14 templates to assist schools in complying with the 2017 ‘Child Protection Procedures for Primary and Post-Primary Schools 2017’ i.e.: DES Circular 81/17 (PDF).

Seven of the templates/documents are completely new and these are denoted below with an asterisk*.

One of the templates has been updated from a previously published iteration and this is denoted below with two asterisks**.

Remainder templates/documents have been published previously and remain unchanged, see below.

The DES has identified the use of templates 1-4 (Inclusive) as mandatory and that the remainder of the templates are for optional use by schools. Where a school chooses not to utilize one of the below optional templates, the school must be satisfied that its paper record complies fully with the content of the ‘Child Protection Procedures for Primary and Post-Primary Schools 2017’ and the content of the optional templates. For that reason the INTO recommends the use of all of the below templates as appropriate.

14 Templates/Documents

  1. Child Safeguarding Risk Assessment Documents (Mandatory template) (Word) / AS GAEILGE (Word) (No Change) comprising:
    1. Examples of Activities, Risk and Procedures
    2. Examples of Risk of Harm
    3. Examples of Procedures to Address Risk of Harm
  2. Child Safeguarding Statement (CSS) (Word)AS GAEILGE (Word) (Mandatory template) (No Change)
  3. Checklist for Review of the Child Safeguarding Statement (Word)AS GAEILGE (Word) (Mandatory template) (**Updated)
  4. Notification regarding the Board of Management’s Review of the Child Safeguarding Statement (CSS) (Word) / AS GAEILGE (Word) (Mandatory template) (No Change)
  5. Template check list for preparing the Principal’s Child Protection Oversight Report (CPOR) (pdf) / AS GAEILGE (pdf) (Optional template) (No Change)
  6. Template for recording documents provided to the Board of Management as part of the CPOR (Word) / AS GAEILGE (Word) (Optional template) (No Change)
  7. FAQ in relation to the Principal’s Child Protection Oversight Report (CPOR) (pdf) / AS GAEILGE (pdf) (No Change)

In addition to the above previously published templates/documents the DES has now published the following 7 new template/documents not previously available:

  1. Template to record how the allegation and/or concern came to be known to the DLP and record of DLP’s phone call seeking advice of Tusla (Word)AS GAEILGE (Word) (New) (Optional template) (Sections 5.1.1 and 5.3.3)*
  2. Template Statement from DLP to a member of school personnel as to the reasons why a report has not been made to Tusla (Word)AS GAEILGE (Word) (New) (Optional template) (Section 5.3.8 of the Procedures)*
  3. Template record of DLP informing or not informing a parent/ carer that a report concerning his or her child is being made (Word) AS GAEILGE (Word) (New) (Optional template) (Section 5.3.6 of the Procedures)*
  4. Template written notification from DLP to a parent where a child protection concern about a member of school personnel has been raised by a parent (Word)AS GAEILGE (Word) (New) (Optional template) (Section 5.6.2 of the Procedures)*
  5. Child Protection Case File Checklist (PDF) / AS GAEILGE (PDF) (New)*
  6. Guidance note on the use of unique codes or serial numbers (PDF)AS GAEILGE (PDF) (New)*
  7. Communications Checklist – Child Safeguarding Statement (Sections 8.11 and 8.13.6 of the Procedures) (PDF)AS GAEILGE (PDF) (New)*

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